Community Play 2021: The Happy Jailbirds
Posted: Nov 7th, 2021
The community put up a three act play on the 31st of October. This is a part of its preparations for the community day which falls in November. The play titled, The Happy Jailbirds, is a comedy that tells the story of two prisoners who are witty and fun loving and their adventure as they escape from the prison. The show began at 5.30 pm and concluded by around 8.30. Though the invitations were very much limited due to the Covid protocols, around 100 invitees had come to enjoy the programme. The programme was enhanced by a dance, two band pieces and a Sadri cultural song. Fr. Joy, the Rector, gave the welcoming talk and Fr. Jerin, the Dean of Studies, gave the vote of thanks. It was the result of more than one and a half months effort of the brothers. Cudos to all the brothers and those among the staff who gave the leadership for the same.